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English Grammar - Sentence - What is Sentence in English : Class-4

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English Grammar - Sentence - What is Sentence in English : Class-4

Details about Sentence

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a group of words that makes a complete sense, thought or idea. It usually consists of a subject and a predicate. A sentence consists of two main parts subject and predicate. The subject is the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about, and the predicate is the part of the sentence that tells something about the subject. In simpler terms, the subject is the focus of the sentence, while the predicate provides information about the subject.

1. Subject : The person or thing about which something is declared is called subject.
2. Predicate : The other part of the sentence that tells something about the subject.
Examples: I read in class four.
Ram goes to school everyday.
Sita is a very good girl.

Types of Sentences

How many types of sentences are there?

There are five types of sentences based on their functions: Those are -
Assertive Sentence
Imperative sentence
Interrogative sentence
Optative sentence
Exclamatory sentence

Definitions and Examples

Assertive Sentence:

An assertive sentence is a declaration or a statement that includes a collection of words used to reflect one’s ideas and emotions.

I eat rice.
Ram goes to school.
They are playing football. etc.

Imperative Sentence:

The sentence that expresses a command, a request or advice is called an imperative sentence.

Please give me a glass of water.
Get out of the room.
Don't run in the sun. etc.

Interrogative Sentence

A sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative sentence. Interrogative sentence always ends with a question mark.

Who are you?
May I go to school?
Is there anybody there? etc.

Optative Sentence:

A sentence that expresses a wish or a prayer is called an optative sentence.

God bless you.
May you be happy in life.
May the king have a long life. etc.

Exclamatory Sentence:

A sentence that expresses some strong or sudden feelings (exclamation) is called an exclamatory sentence. Normally we can find an exclamation mark in these types of sentences.

Alas! The man is dead.
Hurray! I have won the match.
Fie! You are a lier.
Hello! You are so kind. etc.
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