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Famous Indians Class 4 Worksheet with Answers

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Lesson - 21

Famous Indians
Famous Indians Class 4 SST

New Words Found :
Scriptures : Religious books
Epic : A long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures
Points to Remember :

+ Hinduism is the oldest living religion of the world. The Vedas and the Puranas are the oldest holy books of the world.
+ The Ramayana teaches us to fight against evil and obey our elders at any cost.
+ Jainism was spread by Lord Mahavira. It stresses on ahimsa or non-violence.
+ Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak. Guru Granth Sahib is the holy book of the Sikhs.
+ Christians worship Lord Jesus Christ. Their holy book is the Bible.
+ Adi Shankaracharya, Swami Vivekananda and Swami Dayanand Saraswati are some religious gurus who taught us the true meaning of our scriptures.
+ Kabir criticised the wrong practices of both Hindus and Muslims.
+ Raja Rammohan Roy, Ramabai Ranade and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan are some social reformers of modern times who worked hard to free our society from wrong practices and beliefs.

Tick (✓) the Correct Answer

1. Which of the following is the oldest holy book of the world?
a. The Bible[box] b. The Veda    [tikbox] c. The Quran[box]
2. The Bible is the holy book of the-
a. Christians[tikbox]b. Muslims[box] c. Sikhs[box]
3. Lord Mahavira propagated-
a. Hinduism[box] b. Islam[box] c. Jainism[tikbox]
4. 'Live and let live' is the main slogan of-
a. Jainism[tikbox] b. Christianity[box] c. Buddhism[box]

Fill in the blanks

1. Guru Granth Sahib is the holy book of the Sikhs.
2. The Ramayana teaches us to obey our elders and fight against evil.
3. Christianity was spread in India by St.Thomas.
4. Guru Ramananda was the guru of saint Kabir.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Tansen?

Tansen was a great singer of Akbar’s royal court.

2. Which country introduced the concept of zero?

India introduced the concept of zero.

3. Name two famous astronomers and mathematicians of ancient India.

Aryabhatta and Varahamihira were two famous astronomers and mathematicians of ancient India.

4. Who were Charaka and Sushruta?

Charaka was a great Ayurvedic physician and Sushruta was a great surgeon.

5. Name three great Indian scientists of modern times.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Homi J. Bhabha, C.V. Raman are three great Indian scientists of modern India.

Answer the following Questions

1. Who was Raja Rammohan Roy? What did he do for the Indians?

Raja Rammohan Roy was a famous social reformer of Bengal.

He fought against the evil practices of sociality such as sati and strongly favoured education for all and remarriage of Windows.

2. Who was Ramabai Ranade? What did she do for the Indian women?

Ramabai Ranade was the wife of great social reformer justice Govind Ranade.

She spent her whole life in educating the women and also worked for the remarriage of Widow women.

3. What did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan do for the children?

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan setup School to educate the children.

4. How did Emperor Ashoka take care of his people?

Samrat Ashoka dug many wells and built hospitals, roads and dharamshalas for the welfare of his people.

5. What do you know about Krishnadeva Raya?

Krishnadeva Raya was a kind, strong and intelligent ruler of Vijayanagar empire of south India. He built many water tanks, dams and canals for proper irrigation. He also Encouraged poetry, art, music and literature in his Kingdom.

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