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India wins Freedom Class 5 Question Answer

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India wins Freedom (Independence) Class 5 Question Answer
India wins Freedom (Independence)  Class 5 Question Answer

New Words to know

Swaraj : Self-government
Swadeshi : Of one's own country
Untouchables : People who are engaged in some kind of dirty or unclean occupations, and hence, are not permitted to mix with the members of the higher castes
Satyagraha : A policy of passive political resistance, especially that advocated by Mahatma Gandhi against British rule in India
Rowlatt Act : Legislation passed by the Imperial Legislative Council, the legislature of British India that enabled the police to arrest anyone without trial
Elite : A group or class of people seen as having the most power and influence in a society, especially on account of their wealth or privilege

Points to Remember

◆ The Indian National Congress had two groups of members, the moderates, who approached
the British in a peaceful manner, and the radicals, who advocated strong action for purna
swaraj or complete freedom from British rule.
◆ The radical leaders were loved and followed by the masses as they spoke the wishes of the common people.
◆ The British divided Bengal in 1905 into Hindu majority region and Muslim majority region or West Bengal and East Bengal respectively.
◆ The Swadeshi and Boycott Movements promoted the use of country-made goods and boycott of foreign goods.
◆ Some freedom fighters believed in violent ways to drive the British away from the country. They were called revolutionaries. Shri Aurobindo Ghosh, Veer Savarkar and Ajit Singh were three early revolutionaries. Some later revolutionaries were Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad, Batukeshwar Dutt, Rajguru and Sukhdev.
◆ Gandhiji joined the Indian National Congress in 1915 after coming back from South Africa. On the one hand, he fought against social evils like untouchability, child marriage etc. and on the other hand, he asked the people not to follow the unjust laws of the British government, but to protest in a peaceful manner.
He initiated the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1920 but withdrew it after the violence at Chauri Chaura in Uttar Pradesh.
◆ The British appointed the Simon Commission under Sir John Simon to suggest reforms in the working of the Government of India. But as there was not a single Indian in this commission, Indians protested against it with the slogan 'Simon Go Back'.
◆In 1930, Gandhiji started the Civil Disobedience Movement and made salt at Dandi village to protest the salt tax of the British.
◆Although the Congress disapproved of the Government of India Act 1935, it wanted to give the Act a try. So it contested the elections, won in most of the provinces and formed the government there.
◆Gandhiji started the Quit India Movement in 1942 asking for purna swaraj. He asked all the Indians to unite and fight till the British left our country forever.
◆Meanwhile, the Indian National Army of 40,000 Indian soldiers, organised by Subhash Chandra Bose or Netaji, attacked India from the northeast and pushed back the British forces. However later, the British forces defeated the INA.
◆Subhash Chandra Bose is believed to have been killed in an air crash on 18 August, 1945.
◆In 1945, the British agreed to leave India. But before leaving, they divided India into India and Pakistan. On 15 August 1947, India became a free nation.

Tick (✔) the correct answer.

Who gave the slogan 'Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it'?
    a. Jawaharlal Nehru            b. Gandhiji            c. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Bengal partition took place in the year-
    a. 1943            b. 1905         c. 1910
The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place in-
    a. Amritsar         b. Ludhiana            c. Jalandhar
The full form of INA is-
    a. Indian National Army     b. Indian National Academy        c. Indian National Association

Fill in the blanks.

Bengal was reunited by the British in the year 1911.
All the members of the Simon Commission were British
General Dyer ordered his soldiers to shoot at the thousands of innocent people gathered at Jallianwala Bagh
Veer Savarkar and Ajit Singh were two Indian revolutionaries.
There was provision for a partial reorganisation of the provinces in the Government of India Act 1935.

Short Answer Questions

Who are called Lal-Bal-Pal?

Three Leaders of INC Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal were popularly known as Lal-Bal-Pal

Into which two parts was Bengal divided by the British?

Bengal was divided into Hindu majority region or West Bengal and Muslim majority region or East Bengal.

What do you understand by Swadeshi?

Swadeshi was a movement started in Bengal in order to protest against the partition of Bengal, According to Swadeshi movement Indians were advised to use only the things that were made in India.

Name some prominent leaders of the Non-Cooperation Movement.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Motilal Nehru, Sarojmi Naidu and Jawaharlal Nehru were some prominent leaders of Non-Cooperation Movement.

In which year did Bangladesh come into existence?

Bangladesh came into existence in 1971.

Long Answer Questions

Who were the moderates?

The Moderates were a group of members in Indian National Congress who approached the British in a peaceful manner. They believed in peace and non-violence and did not demand for Purna Swaraj or complete independence. A few moderate members of INC were Mahatma Gandhi, Surendranath Banerjee, Dadabhai Nooroji etc.

Who were the radicals?

The radicals were a group of members in Indian National Congress who believed in strong action against British and demanded for purna swaraj or complete independence. They were Loved and followed by the common people as they spoke the wish of the common people. A few radical leaders were Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal etc.

What do you know about the partition of Bengal?

British were afraid of the unity of Hindus and muslims in India. In order To break this unity British government employed “divide and rule” policy and divided Bengal into Hindu majority region and Muslim majority region in 1905. However, under the pressure of constant protests allover the country. British government was compelled to reunite Bengal in 1911

Who were the revolutionaries?

Some freedom fighters believed in violent ways to drive away the British from the country. They were called revolutionaries.These groups became active secretly. Sri Aurobindo Gosh, Veer Savarkar were early revolutionaries. Some Later revolutionaries were Chandrashekhar Azad. Rajguru and Sukhdev.

Write about the Quit India Movement and India's independence.

Quit India Movement:

Gandhi started the Quit India Movement on 8th August, 1942. It was also known as August Andolon. The aim of this movement was to bring an end to British rule in India and establish an independent nation. Gandhiji asked all Indians to unite and fight till the very end or till the time British left our country forever.

India's Independence

The British finally left India in 1947. But before leaving they divided India into two countries, India and Pakistan. Dr. Rajendra Prasad became the first president and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru became the first prime minister of free India.

Rowlatt Act:

Rowlatt Act was a law passed by British Government in March 1919 to have more control over the Indians. This act enabled them to arrest any person without arrest warrant and without any trial.

What do you know about the Boycott Movement?

Boycott Movement was a movement started in Bengal In order to protest against the partition of Bengal. According to the Boycott movement, Indians were advised to boycott foreign goods like manchester cloth and Liverpool salt. The leaders went to different parts of Bengal to propagate the message of boycott. The movement spread to different parts of India like poona, Punjab, Delhi, Bombay and Madras.

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