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Interrogative Adjective definition and examples

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Interrogative Adjective Definition and Examples


Language is a marvelous tool that enables us to communicate our thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Within the realm of language, various components play a crucial role in constructing meaningful sentences. One such element is the interrogative adjective, which adds a curious and questioning flavor to our inquiries. In this article, we will explore the definition, uses, examples, and differences between interrogative adjectives and interrogative pronouns, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of this linguistic gem.

What is an Interrogative Adjective?

An interrogative adjective is a type of adjective used to modify a noun and introduce a question. It is often employed to inquire about an unknown or unspecified characteristic or quality of the noun in question. Interrogative adjectives provide essential details and help us seek specific information about people, objects, or concepts.
In English, the most common interrogative adjectives are "which," "what," and "whose." These adjectives help us explore possibilities, narrow down choices, and clarify uncertainties.

Uses of Interrogative Adjectives

Interrogative adjectives serve multiple purposes in our everyday conversations and written expressions. Let's take a closer look at the main uses of these intriguing grammatical components:
a. Seeking Clarity: Interrogative adjectives help us seek clarification about a particular noun or group of nouns. They assist in narrowing down options and requesting specific information. For example, "Which book did you read?" or "What time is the meeting?"
b. Expressing Curiosity: By using interrogative adjectives, we can express our curiosity and eagerness to learn more. They add a sense of intrigue and engagement to our questions. For instance, "Whose beautiful painting is this?" or "What fascinating story did you hear?"
c. Comparing Choices: Interrogative adjectives are invaluable when we need to compare different options or alternatives. They enable us to weigh possibilities and make informed decisions. For example, "Which dress do you prefer?" or "What color should we use in the drawing?"

Interrogative Adjective Examples

To further illustrate the usage and versatility of interrogative adjectives, let's explore some examples:

a. Which car did you buy? (Seeking clarification)
b. What book are you reading? (Expressing curiosity)
c. Whose pen is this? (Seeking ownership)
d. What kind of music do you enjoy? (Seeking a specific category)
e. Which movie should we watch? (Comparing choices)
f. What color is your new laptop? (Seeking a particular attribute)
g. Whose idea was it to go hiking? (Seeking attribution)
h. What time does the concert start? (Seeking a specific detail)

Differences between Interrogative Adjectives and Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative adjectives are often confused with interrogative pronouns due to their similar usage and word forms. However, like two playful siblings with distinct personalities, the interrogative adjectives and interrogative pronouns boast some noteworthy dissimilarities that make them stand out in their own delightful ways. Let's compare their characteristics in the table below:
Interrogative AdjectivesInterrogative Pronouns
Modify a nounSubstitute a noun
Example : Which book?Which did you choose?
Example : What movie?What do you want?
Example : Whose pen?Whose is this?
Standalone Use no.Standalone Use yes

Interrogative adjectives modify nouns and are followed by the noun they modify. On the other hand, interrogative pronouns substitute for the noun and can stand alone in a sentence.


Interrogative adjectives add depth and intrigue to our questions, allowing us to seek specific information and express curiosity. By understanding their definition, uses, and examples, you can enhance your language skills and engage in more meaningful conversations. Remember, interrogative adjectives help us unravel the mysteries around us, opening doors to new discoveries and knowledge. So, embrace the power of questioning and let interrogative adjectives guide you on your linguistic journey.

Exercise / Worksheet


Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate interrogative adjective: which, what, or whose.
1. color is your favorite?
2. car did you buy?
3. book are you reading?
4. team won the championship?
5. movie should we watch tonight?
6. dress do you like the most?
7. country are you from?
8. pet do you have?
9. restaurant did you go to last night?
10. song is playing on the radio?
11. city would you like to visit?
12. laptop do you recommend?
13. sports do you enjoy playing?
14. time does the concert start?
15. phone is ringing?
Answer Keys:
1. What, 2. Which, 3. What, 4. Which, 5. Which, 6. Which, 7. What, 8. What, 9. Which, 10. What, 11. Which, 12. Which, 13. What, 14. What, 15. Whose
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